You get to the end of the interview and feel it’s gone well. As it begins to wind up, the interviewer asks you, “So, what questions do you have for us?” Wait…you managed to look at questions they might ask you, but you forgot to consider you’d have a chance to ask some yourself. You stall a bit, manage to ask a question about parking, and walk out feeling as if you fell flat. You had one last opportunity to wow them and missed it. So next time an opportunity comes up, capitalize on it with one of these instead.
- “What do you like best about working here?” This can really turn the tables on the interviewer, although you don’t intend to put them in a tough spot by asking. This question gives you a true sense of the culture and what works well. It also allows you to respond positively, saying how their answer fits with your style of work as well.
- “If I started this position today, what would you advise me to learn first and do first?” First, this question relays you feel ready to jump in right away and become part of the team, as well as a willingness to take on information and put it to use. The answer will give you an idea as to what you should focus your energies on and what sorts of questions to ask as you get to know the ropes.
- “What three attributes does someone need to be really successful in this position?” This one relates specifically to the job. By asking this, the interviewer must think about the position and what they really want, getting a clear idea of the top skills or qualities that will help you do best in the position. This question also allows you to respond, pointing out how you will embody each attribute and how your experience lends to each.
Above all, have questions ready that give you more information about the company and allow you a final chance to promote yourself in your responses. For advice on how to ready yourself for your next interview, contact the specialized recruiters at PrideStaff Thousand Oaks Ventura County.