
Looking Ahead While Looking Back: Are You on Pace to Hit Your 2022 Goals?

Evaluating 2022 Goals | PrideStaff Thousand Oaks

Are you a goal setter? Ironically, although most people set both work and life goals, only 8% achieve them with any regularity. Perhaps what they’re missing is a way to look ahead while looking back to measure their goal-setting and achieving success.
If you set goals for 2022, it’s time to take stock of where you are. This can allow you to adjust your goals and approaches to stand a better chance of achieving what you set out to do. This blog will look at the process of goal planning and tracking so that you, too, can be part of the 8% who actually do what they set out to.

How and Why to Set Goals

Why set goals? Goal-setting helps you achieve your potential to get the most out of your life. Whether the result is weight loss or a new job, envisioning what you want to achieve at the end of the road is just human nature at its best. The hard part is getting there, of course, and the data clearly shows that most of us don’t make it to where we want to go.

If you’ve set personal or professional goals for 2022, now is a good time to take stock. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I on track to meet my goals?
  • If not, is it because the goals are unattainable because they are not realistic or achievable?
  • How can I change my goals so that I can actually reach them?

Once you’re sure you’ve developed specific, measurable, and attainable goals, it’s time to figure out how you will measure your progress toward achieving them. 

How to Measure Your Goals

Hitting goals isn’t rocket science:

  • Step one is creating a goal that you can achieve.
  • Step two is to break it down into increments that build toward your big hairy audacious goal (BHAG).
  • Step three is to work those increments. Do something every day to work toward that goal and eventually you will get there.

Setting a goal that you can get to is key but so is creating a series of steps to get there and then taking time for self-reflection to see how you’re progressing. It can be a very satisfying process; looking back at what you’ve accomplished gives you a clearer sense that you really can hit your BHAG. Tracking your progress means that you will objectively be able to see what you’ve done and haven’t done so far. Whether you’re making hash marks on a calendar or using an app to record your progress, tracking is simple. Each day, just write down what you accomplished toward your goal. It is an “if you build it, they will come” strategy that will increase your chances that you’ll eventually reach your goals.

If your goal this year is to take advantage of the unprecedented job market, it’s time to have a talk with PrideStaff. Every day, we help people just like you achieve their goals of finding a better job. Call on us. We can help.
