
Take Charge of Salary Negotiation

You’ve had a great interview, and you know you’ve got an excellent chance of landing this job — all signs point to yes. Then you come in for a final interview and lead off with, “So I’d like to discuss salary and when I can start looking to get a raise.” Next thing you know, they don’t seem so interested in you, and all the excitement and good feelings drain out of you like a deflated balloon.

  • Timing is everything. We teach children that when you first encounter an unfamiliar dog, rather than going right over and hugging it, you have to let it get to know you. After it feels comfortable and they’ve built up some sort of trust, then a child can safely approach and pet the dog. In a similar fashion, don’t ask about salary until you know for sure that they’ve chosen you. Bringing up salary before that point can negatively affect your chances of getting hired because fair or unfair, it will seem like that’s your primary focus.
  • Deflect as needed. Unless you’re a superstar employee who can pretty much go wherever you’d like, wait for your potential employer to bring up salary…and they may well do so early on. Employers don’t want to waste time if the number they have in mind differs drastically from the candidate’s. If an interviewer does ask about what you currently make in an earlier interview, avoid committing to a number. Instead, make the point that you’re extremely interested in the position and don’t want a specific amount to count you out of the running, and if they feel you would fit the position, you’ll work it out. Or you can ask for an idea of their range. Try to get them to say a number instead of you. If they insist or seem annoyed that you’re deflecting, name a range.
  • Stand your ground. When and if salary comes up, stand up for what you believe you’re “worth.” Employers like a candidate with confidence, and if you point out that your skills and experience earn you a particular salary that’s not outlandish in terms of standard industry pay, chances are fairly good that you’ll get it. If you immediately cave to whatever number they say or throw out a low number, you’ll get shortchanged or not taken seriously. If the company doesn’t or can’t present you with a reasonable amount, you can cut your losses and move on to the next opportunity.

Salary negotiation doesn’t have to be overly complicated or stressful as long as you take these suggestions to heart beforehand. For advice on discussing this, or anything in your next interview, reach out to the PrideStaff Thousand Oaks recruiting professionals today!
