
Should You Hire Someone Who Will Quit in Six Months?

You went through the interview process and hired someone whom you thought would fit well with the company. The team has begun to really find its groove, the new employee seems to have settled in well…and six months in, they suddenly give their notice and you’re left to start the process all over again, throwing everyone into an uproar.

At a time when employees, especially those in the younger generation, tend to switch jobs with some regularity, you want to make sure you hire someone who won’t suddenly leave you less than a year into the position. You want employees who will stay loyal to the company for some length of time. So how do you determine in the interview how long a candidate will stay?

  • Make sure they fit your culture. Skills and experience can tell you whether a candidate has the background to do the job well. However, if you hire someone who doesn’t fit in with your company culture, they won’t last. Cultural fit has a great deal to do with longevity. If a new hire doesn’t feel comfortable or doesn’t have a similar mindset to the rest of the team, they won’t come together.
  • Ask them questions about previous jobs. If they’ve had a number of different jobs (which does happen), ask why they left each. This tells you what motivates the candidate and key factors for why they left. If the candidates gives evasive answers about difficulty with a boss or other colleagues, that may indicate they have trouble getting along with others. If they say others constantly bring them down, that could be another red flag. Listen to find out if they’re easily bored or are still looking for the right sort of challenge that will keep them interested and working.
  • Go beyond just listening. Asking a question such as, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” can give you a surprisingly honest answer…if they don’t mention working at your company, you may want to reconsider hiring them. As the candidate responds, listen not only to their words but the tone of voice. When you ask what they hope to accomplish in the first year, if you hear a lot of hesitation and pauses, they haven’t thought about it, which can give you an indication of their true interest in the position. You may even want to be blunt and ask if they got the job, loved it and got a salary they wanted, what could lure them away? This indicates where their true motivation lies.

If you want to hire someone for the long term, ask questions during the interview that will help determine their loyalty. For quality short- or long-term candidates, reach out to the experienced recruiting professionals at PrideStaff Thousand Oaks.
